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Marguerite Burns Memorial Education Fund



Marguerite Burns was a charter member of St. Theresa's Council, Halifax NS andbecame President of the Nova Scotia Provincial Council in 1950.  In 1960-1962 she was President of the National Council of the Catholic Women's League.  In 1961 she was appointed to represent Canada at the convention of the World Union of the Catholic Women's League in Rome. Her service to "God and Canada" at all levels of the League were recognized by the Holy Father when he presented to her the Pro-Eclesia and Pontifice Medal.  She died in February, 1965.  In her memory, the Halifax Diocesan CWL council established the Marguerite Burns Memorial Education Fund to assist CWL members and their children in pursuing further education.   













Criteria to be considered for the bursary:

  1. The applicant must be a current CWL member or child of a current CWL member in a parish CWL council in the Halifax-Yarmouth Archdiocese.

  2. The applicant must be accepted into a community college, course or university undergraduate program.

  3. The application it must be accompanied by:

    • A letter of introduction from the President of the CWL council that the applicant or the applicant’s  parent/guardian is a member of  and

    • Proof of registration (paid receipt) from the  institution the applicant is attending

  4. The application must be received  by the Halifax-Yarmouth Diocesan Education and Health Chair by November 15 of the current year.  The contact information for the chairperson can be obtained from parish CWL council presidents.

Application Form

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