Catholic Women's League of Canada
Halifax-Yarmouth Diocesan Council
Life membership is a League honour that gives a permanent place on the national council, the same voting privileges as accredited delegates at an annual meeting or convention, a voice in its affairs and eligibility for a national appointment. A life member receives notice of meetings and, at her request, a copy of the minutes and of all relevant mailings from the National Office. Life members in a diocese only attend parish and diocesan executive meetings if they are members of that executive by appointment or election. They have accredited delegate voting privileges at diocesan and provincial conventions in the province in which they hold membership. Life membership is not a reward for years of service or a retirement gift. The privilege brings responsibility. The League needs the support, mentorship and service from its life members.
Adapted from: National Manual of Policy and Procedure
Halifax-Yarmouth Honorary and Life Members
Honorary Life Member
Danielle McNeil-Hessian
Life Members
Joline Belliveau
Shirley Campbell
Glenda Carson
Pat Crossman
Joan Cunningham
Elizabeth Doyle
Theresa Duann
Connie Lai Fatt
Anna Hawkins
Mary MacDonald
Ann McGray
Ann Myers
Janice Peddle
Mary Sweeney
Please refer to the Halifax-Yarmouth Diocesan President or Life Member Directory for contact information for our Honorary Life and Life Members