Catholic Women's League of Canada
Halifax-Yarmouth Diocesan Council
Bellelle Guerin Award Recipients
Bellelle Guerin was the first president of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. This award is presented to individuals who have worked tirelessly to keep the spirit of the League alive in the spirit of the first president.
The League’s roots began in 1920 with its first National President, Bellelle Guerin, who had a vision, faith and a dream “to see it [CWL] rooted in every major centre from Halifax to Victoria.” At the first dominion convention, Toronto 1921, she stated, “We have before us some days of serious and strenuous work. Let us approach it with all the zeal and good will that is in our souls. Shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, let us go forth from this convention bound by a solidarity that nothing can break, gentlewomen, but brave soldiers holding aloft our banner of patriotism to our beloved country and of inviolable fidelity to our glorious faith!”
The women nominated for this award are individuals who have kept the vision and the dream of Bellelle Guerin alive in Canada and the world by dedicating themselves to the work of the League in their parish, diocese and/or province
Adapted from the Bellelle Guerin Award Criteria
National CWL Policy and Procedure Manual
Carol LeBlanc Awarded by St. Benedict Parish Council 2020
Carol Conrad Awarded by Halifax-Yarmouth Diocesan Council, 2016*
Doris Dandurand Awarded by Yarmouth Diocesan Council, 2011*
Shirley Deveaux Awarded by Halifax Diocesan Council*
Irma Holmes Awarded by St. Ambrose Parish Council, 2008*
Hazel Joyce Awarded by Halifax Diocesan Council*
Geri Owen Awarded by Halifax Diocesan Council
Fran Peters Awarded by St. Anthony's Parish Council*
Loretta Vanderdonk Awarded by St. Ambrose Parish Council, 2011
Donna Whitehead Awarded by Halifax Diocesan Council*
* - denotes that the member is deceased.
If you know of recipients of the Bellelle Guerin Award who are not yet identified on this page, please forward their name, the council who presented the award and the year, if possible, via the contact form on the last tab of this website.